Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Its function and use

Terompah use and function?? Why need to ask? It’s for your foot! Everybody knows that.   :O
Most of you out there might think this way at first glance of the title, but have you think of what beyond our first glance are? Don’t worry though because it is natural to have such thoughts   :D
ANdddddd…. Here we are!! The awesomeness of terompah!

Yup! It’s for fashion :D

Various color and style to choose from making it attractive and up to date

Fun  activities
Because terompah come with different sizes and shape, some would use it for fun and games ;D
The common games is involved balancing using terompah since it is quite high and for those who do not used to wear it, such experience is one to be remembered


So what is other than for fashion and protection of the feet? This is! XD
Terompah can also be used for activities like dancing and making music. The tap sounds that were made from hiting the ground by itself made quite a good rhythm. In many country, dancing using terompah was quite common and even be made as an occupation. Imagine, having fun while working. Every workers dream  >___<  *at least for me

There are a lot more functions that terompah could offer! But I will stop here for now.. why? To make you all go out there and explore its wonder yourself! YEAH!

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